Frustrated at failing at New Year’s resolutions? In lieu of these popular but ill-fated resolutions, I have found my One Focusing Word to be a powerful and sustaining energy source in my daily life. It is a deceptively simple but effective practice.
How? Consider a few words and then upon reflection, commit to the one word that you believe will serve you well as your North Star for the year ahead; one word that can be instantly recalled to guide your inspiration, path, decisions, goals and values. Your mantra. Try taping your word to your bathroom mirror, computer monitor or nightstand as an easy prompt. My focusing word for 2022 is CHALLENGE. I am going to Challenge myself daily to get out of comfort zone and do what matters most. I am also planning a few epic Challenges to level up. What is your One Focusing Word? If you dare to share it, you will be significantly more likely to actually do the practice and benefit from it. Start by sharing it here! Has COVID-era isolation diminished your spirit, energy or passion for living? Has social distancing and quarantine induced a deficit of physical, social and spiritual engagement? Have you contemplated and calculated your costs of inaction? If you are feeling anxious or depressed you are in good company, a survey study led by researchers out of Boston University reported in mid-2020 a 3 fold increase in depression symptoms in the US. Public officials have focused their mandated COVID mitigation efforts on the physical health of the public. Unfortunately there has not been a more holistic effort to monitor and minimize the negative effects of these policies on our mental and emotional health. There is risk and opportunity cost in every decision we make each day. Doing nothing is actually a decision to not take action. I have started to take small, calculated risks to fuel a sustainable resurgence of my energy, mood and positivity. For example, I recently took my first airplane flights in a year. Of course I am not advocating taking careless health risks and getting sick or worse. What is a baby step you can take today? Life is short, carpe diem my friends! Psychology Today states that 90% of our New Year’s resolutions fail. In lieu of these popular but ill fated resolutions, I have found the One Word Experiment to be a powerful focusing force in my life. It is a deceptively simple but effective practice. Reflect deeply on one word that will serve you well as your North Star for the year ahead; one simple word that can be instantly recalled to guide your inspiration, path, decisions, goals and values. Feel free to brainstorm numerous possible words, then systematically prioritize them until only one feels like the best fit for you for 2021. Commit to your word! I am working on my 2021 word, any guesses for my word from 2020? #coaching #growthmindset #mindset #leadership #mindfulness #personaldevelopment #flowstate #focus #focusonthegood |
AuthorI have enjoyed an accomplished Fortune 100 corporate career in sales and marketing followed by over 25 years of entrepreneurial success in commercial real estate development, social impact investing and nonprofit capacity building. I can relate to entrepreneurs better than most. I have traveled the world and have accumulated a fair amount of wisdom to share. For decades I have been in the arena, working without a safety net, learning from failure and success. I am an astute student of calculating risk-reward and overcoming fear. I will be one of the strongest advocates, most invested partners my clients have ever worked with. Archives |